Teslas effect on our social and economical structure!


Tesla motors developed an electric vehicle know as the power train and is now supplying it to major motor companies such as toyota and Diamler, this effects society in a direct way, because the implementation of these power trains into major corporations can make it more readily available for consumers in turn increasing the likey hood of more purchases as well as creating a new social norm as more and more consumers buy electric cars. Another electric vehicle that is effecting social environments is the Tesla model S, this electric car model has infiltrated the world of celebrities and in today’s day and age we know that celebrities can have a huge impact on the younger generations as well as who ever watches them. Cameron Diaz, Will smith, George Clooney and 30 other celebrities all own a Tesla car. This conveys how Tesla motors is altering the social environment. By having celebrities glorify their technology they can allow society to then more widely accept electric
cars into their social environment. From this we can see how Tesla has effected the social environment and influenced people from all over the world to be more environmentally friendly by using their electric vehicles.

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